
  • York Tories announce civil servant bullying social

    After cries of misogyny and poor taste around the now-infamous fox hunting social, the York UniversiTories have announced that they will instead commemorate Priti Patel and do a bar crawl themed around the career of Sir Philip Rutnam. The problematic scamps will be split into two groups, representing the Home Secretary and the disgruntled civil […]

  • Cambridge Student Kicked Out From Tory Association For Burning £20 Note In Front of Homeless Man

    From ‘We won’t stand for this. I can’t believe this disgraceful behaviour has been carried out under my watch. Fucking sickening. £20? Burn a couple of £50s at the very least, or even better a 500 euro note to show the homeless man AND Brussels what for. There will be a full inquiry into […]