James Durcan
Never one to make a fuss, James Durcan’s quiet, near silent management style has left no one in any doubt of his ability to remain unseen and unheard. Despite widespread disinterest surrounding his lack of activity, one thing Durcan has excelled in is listening to students — he is keen to hear student’s experiences, to learn about the many experiences of students, and to carefully remember all facets of the student experience. The reason for this comprehensive data-recording has not yet been fully expounded. In his official bio he records his many jobs as ‘representing’, ‘being responsible’, ‘working closely’, ‘coordinating’, and ‘supporting’ — a man of many varied skills to be sure. Some have speculated as to whether Durcan is visible and audible within normal human ranges, and have suggested that mastering the art of invisibility makes up for a complete lack of tangible achievement. Ultimately, James is — without a doubt — one of the finest YUSU Presidents of all time.
Finn Judge
How can you sum up someone so… enigmatic? The key to Judge’s power is hard to put your finger on — is it his Blue Steel gaze, his prodigious editing experience, or his groovy attitude towards life? We only know two things about Finn for sure. First is that Finn was the brains behind Durcan’s administration, although that is hardly an accolade. Second is that Finn is one cool guy, and he’s all about fun — ask anyone at Nouse and they’ll tell you the same.
Steph Hayle
Over her impressive tenure as Community and Wellbeing Officer, Steph proved herself to be a dynamic and capable bus conductor. Many have wondered whether Steph has been labouring under the misconception that she is actually the Secretary of State for Transport, but no one has had the courage to ask: her formidable temper makes her a force to be reckoned with. Amongst her other achievements include the ritual slaughter of several hundred First Bus drivers.
James Hare
Aye, James Hare is a good Yorkshire lad with good intentions and a solid record in producing results for students, by which I mean forging exam papers and submitting them on their behalf. Questions have been raised about his year in Poland, although he promises that the point of the trip was not to annexe the territory in the name of Yorkshire.
Zac Sheppard
Sheppard’s reign as Sports President has been beset by violence and bloodshed as the war rages on and the bodies continue to pile up at the foot of his throne. He has ignored all advice from his courtiers to put an end to the conflict, instead pressing on with his plans to take back the University of York in the name of Satan. I jest — I truly know nothing about university sport. Did we win Roses? I think we did. A whole tin! Zac’s smile is always able to light up the room, or alternatively one of Finn’s fine cuban cigars.
— Myles Dunnett
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