Unsure what to give up this Lent? Well, read our tips below and you’ll find out!
Give up. Just give up.
4th Year
Give up on finding friends. Seriously, it’s been 4 years. Nobody likes you, nobody will ever like you. Get on with your degree.
3rd Year
Give up on finding a job next year. Give up on doing a Master’s next year. Just give up.
2nd Year
Give up on getting a First. Lower your expectations now and you won’t be so disappointed next year. Bonus points if you slowly but surely lower your parents’ expectations too.
1st Year
Give up on trying to pull. If you don’t try, you can’t get rejected. (This is a good rule to live by in all aspects of life, I find).
Other things you could give up include finding housemates you like for next year, lectures, reading The Lemon Press (please don’t encourage us) and, of course, chocolate.
— Ashvini Rae
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