Hunt Begins for the 5.1% Who Voted in Latest YUSU Referendum
Pictured: The Lemon Press’s preferred punishment for democratic busybodies and other such troublemakers. As the latest YUSU referendum finishes, it has been revealed that, like all its predecessors, it was simply a ruse to root out that troublesome minority of students who actually do vote in the YUSU referendums. It is now, once again, time […]
Cambridge Student Kicked Out From Tory Association For Burning £20 Note In Front of Homeless Man
From ‘We won’t stand for this. I can’t believe this disgraceful behaviour has been carried out under my watch. Fucking sickening. £20? Burn a couple of £50s at the very least, or even better a 500 euro note to show the homeless man AND Brussels what for. There will be a full inquiry into […]
The First Instalment of ‘The Diary of a Mature Student’, by Emma Ayre
The Old Bird: Compelled to Write in the Hope of Reaching at Least 1 of the 256 Mature Students on Campus. You are alone. Yes, don’t be fooled into thinking you will be lucky enough to bump into anyone within a 5-year radius of your age, now that you’ve pushed yourself off the monotonous train […]