
  • Top Five Chess Positions That Will Make Him Cum Ten Times Harder

    Top Five Chess Positions That Will Make Him Cum Ten Times Harder

    Confused trying to remember numerous openings? Does your endgame leave more to be desired? Well look no further! Here are five chess positions to add to your repertoire which will be sure to get him gushing. 1. c4. The English opening may be a little bit unorthodox, but it is straight to the point. ‘Oi […]

  • The Most Ironic Sports Stars’ Middle Names

    The Most Ironic Sports Stars’ Middle Names

    Kurt Happy Zouma – The average centre-back and professional foot-cat player, Kurt Zouma’s recent, umm, “incident” is made much funnier by the fact that his actual middle name at birth was “Happy”. Something that poor cat probably wasn’t. It does also make him potentially the perfect person to cast in the upcoming live-action “Snow White” […]

  • Modern Chess Openings

    Modern Chess Openings

    Ruy Lopez [1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5] A classic opening, you can’t go too wrong with this one. Played by all the top-level players. Will hold you in good stead for the middle and endgames. Nimzo-Indian Defence [1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. Nc3 Bb4] A solid and inoffensive opening. For […]

  • Jake Paul Set To Fight The Demons In My Head

    Jake Paul Set To Fight The Demons In My Head

    Internet inevitably Jake Paul’s boxing career continues to grow as he picked his biggest opponent to date, agreeing to fight the voices in my head that are telling me I have failed at life for not being as successful as internet celebrities at their age. The fight was announced after my inner demons called out […]

  • CONFIRMED: Jousting Is Just Misunderstood Sounding With a Massive Rod

    CONFIRMED: Jousting Is Just Misunderstood Sounding With a Massive Rod

    Panic in jousting land as the age-old sport has been revealed to be one of the earliest examples of sounding. The sport has since evolved into a game of knocking each other off their horses with their jousting rod, a far cry from the tradition of getting each other off with a sounding rod. A […]