Many multi-coloured numbers on a black background

Top 20 Numbers Between 1 and 20

YouTube has top 10s, the music chart has the Top 100. This is almost a combination of the two, a top 20 list for numbers up to 20. I am not an expert in numbers and some of the facts about some of these numbers might be wrong. That being said I have enough knowledge to have opinions on them and can judge plenty of them by their vibe alone – I also used to watch numberjacks as a kid so I know my numbers from 1 to 10. Let’s get started:

  1. 16, What a fantastic number, there’s something special about the way it sits, in the number line, how pretty it is to say. There are so many great things about this number it’s honestly hard to describe. Ever since I first heard the number as a baby taking my first steps, I knew that it was simply the best number out of every number from between 1 and 20.
  2. 6, a nice balanced number. 
  3. 4. the best numberjack. A true handyman who can fix problems with the wacky machine that sends these numbers out on their escapades in the big wide world facing spooky spoon and the puzzler.
  4. 12. Twelve. I love 12. You can divide it by 4 and 3 and if you multiply it enough times you get to 64 which is one of the best numbers out of all of the numbers between 1 and 100.
  5. I love the number.
  6. 3. If people are asked to pick a number between 1 and 10 they MIGHT go for it. And it would be a pretty good choice too.
  7. The number 1 can be used to signify superiority. It is not number 1 here. That’s not to say that it’s a bad number, it’s just not one of my favourites. And my opinion as Editor-in-Chief of an up and coming student publication is final. 
  8. 20 is a nice neat number that has everything in order, there are multiple factors leading to it being in this position like 5, 4, 2 and 10, do you get it, do you get that incredibly well-crafted joke that I spent 8 agonising hours coming up with. Do you? 
  9. 18 is a decent number that you could probably have some fun with, not really sure what. Not many things come in packs of 18, so probably not food related fun but I’m sure it’s alright as a number.
  10.  The most mid number of the whole set is 14. It is fine. It does not add anything to the list. Not worth getting annoyed about but nowhere near good enough to get praised in an article in a magazine voted most likely to be read by YOU specifically.
  11.  Coming in at 11 is number 11. I don’t really care from number 11, it could be better, it could be worse. Just two number 1s hanging out together. Nothing special, but certainly nothing spectacular either.
  12. 5 – have you ever been in a family of five and tried to ask for a table in a restaurant, the waiting staff always give you a weird look and ask why you’re trying to buy a table from the restaurant when they have a perfectly good menu of food to eat. I forgot what I was talking about there.
  13. 9 can be divided by 3 but has a slight weird vibe to it making it voted as the most prime-like number to not be a prime number. 
  14. Oh shit. It’s number 8. Everyone seems to think 8 is a lovely number. They’re wrong.
  15. 13. People think that 13 is an unlucky number. It is not. I have lived at number 13 and I am a perfectly lucky person, why else do you think I am writing a list about different numbers and how they should be ranked. That being said it is not a good number, it is quite horrible in fact. 
  16. 7 – this is definitely a number that belongs in the bottom quarter of the list. It is acceptable in small quantities but anything more is bad. Also the worst numberjack.
  17.  15. 15 is the kind of number that forces you to re-evaluate your life choices and wonder what led you to being in the situation where you are sitting writing about your favourite to least favourite numbers between 1 and 20. You are here in a cold room listening to the rain pounding the window. You have essays to write and exams to revise for but here you are writing about numbers. Will anyone read these words, am I shouting into a void? 15, fif – teen. You remember being fifteen. That’s not you anymore, and hasn’t been for a while.
  18.  2. If you ask someone to pick a number between 1 and 20 do they pick 2? No. If you ask someone to pick a number between 1 and 10, do they pick 2? Again, no. That’s all I need to say.
  19.  19 is fairly close to being the worst number between 1 and 20 if I’m being honest. In fact if 17 didn’t exist this number would probably be at the bottom of the list. I’m not a fan of it. If I had 19 apples and 5 friends I’d have one friend feeling disappointed that he didn’t get an apple, this is a travesty and an injustice. 
  20.  The worst number in the series of 1 to 20 is fairly obviously 17. 17, or seventeen in English is a weird bendy number that doesn’t really seem to fit very well in any particular place. Before writing this article I could count the number of times I have used the number 17 on one hand over the last three months, that is simply how irrelevant that number is. 

If you felt like this was a waste of time to read, please support the writer’s strike in the USA unless you want all TV shows to be written like this. 

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